Month: September 2011

Follow Impulse’s Journey through Australia!

Hi, this is Devan, checking in from the exotic city of … Berkeley, California. Not everyone in CalSol is off exploring the land down under. CalSol members back at home are excitedly following updates from the Australia crew as they come in. There’s just one thing – I don’t know about you, but I’m not particularly well versed with Australia’s geography.

Day 3: Sleeping in the Belly of a Bear

Quick update from Jessica and Marc here. We took Captain BlueBear (aka the blue VW Golf Wagon TDI) and headed out towards South Australia intending to get Impulse registered to drive on SA roads and scouting out the drive to Adelaide for the rest of the team.

Safety First!

As our members get ready to leave for Australia, we are making final preparations to ensure that the team will be safe during the trip. Thanks to help from our partners at Fastenal, our friends at the RFS, Carlos Miller (a bay-area firefighter), and UC Berkeley’s EH&S, we have our bases covered.

CalSol wants HAM!*

Like the voracious, magical semi-human fish creature from Disney’s Ponyo, CalSol loves HAM. No I am not talking about the meat product from a pig’s leg, I am talking about Amateur Radio. For those unfamiliar with it , Amateur Radio, aka Ham radio, is the use of various forms of radio communications(voice, image, text and data) over a …

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Accelerating Sustainable Performance Summit

Green energy and competition collide at Infineon Raceway. We had the honor of attending Accelerating Sustainable Performance 2011, “A Summit for Industry Leaders in Sustainability and Performance”. The day-long event featured speakers from the racing industry, advocates for green energy, and representatives from corporations who share a common goal of making the racing industry sustainable …

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