Month: May 2009

The Final Countdown

After driving 1700 miles the CalSol team has arrived at the Cresson Motorsport Ranch. The team has been working hard for long hours over the past few weeks in anticipation for the race. In these final hours before scrutineering for the race begins we are continuing the work on the car. 11 teams have come …

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CalSol has entered Texas

After two days of driving our team has entered the state of Texas. We will be spending the night in Odessa and will be arriving in Dallas by tomorrow. Spirits are high as we prepare for the upcoming race.

Leaving Berkeley

Friday, 7:30 am: The journey to Texas has begun, CalSol left Berkeley this morning for a three day drive to Cresson, Texas. We are excited to see what GoldRush can do at the Texas Motor Sport Ranch. Today we hope to cruise through California and spend the night in Phoenix, Arizona. Updates will continue to …

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Formula Sun Grand Prix

With finals and the spring semester behind us, and the summer ahead, CalSol has focused its full attention on completing the car. On May 29th, the intrepid members of CalSol will load our newly finished and newly named solar car, GoldRush, into our (t)rusty trailer and head to Texas to participate in the 2009 Formula …

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