Month: July 2011

Thank you Alpha Wire!

Our solar cars serve not just as high efficiency race vehicles, but as advocates for environmentally responsible technology. As such, it’s only fitting to use green materials whenever possible in the construction of the car. We’re very pleased to be able to use Alpha Wire‘s new EcoWire in the construction of our vehicle, Impulse. Not …

Thank you Alpha Wire! Read More »

Impulse on the Road

Dear CalSol supporters, We have some exciting news for you: Impulse braved its first journey as a state-registered vehicle on city roads! With our building efforts drawing mostly to completion, we are now focusing our attention on testing the car and fine-tuning any hiccups along the way.  On Sunday the 17th, a crew of members took …

Impulse on the Road Read More »

CalSol Visits ERL

July 12th was a very exciting day for CalSol in many ways.  Since we were coming down to the Peninsula to wrap up our registration, we decided to swing by Belmont to visit our awesome platinum sponsor, Volkswagen Electronics Research Lab!

We Got a License Plate!

As of yesterday, July 12, Impulse is now legally registered with the DMV!  How exciting!  In this picture, you can sort of see the VIN sticker that CHP issued us yesterday too! Here I would like to especially thank Redwood City CHP for making the registration process quick and painless.  With the sparkling new license …

We Got a License Plate! Read More »

Solar Cells are ON!

              Hello Solar Car Enthusiasts! We are very excited to say that Impulse is now officially a solar car!  As soon as our shell team completed working on the canopy hatch, the solar team members rolled up their sleeves and began caulking!

CalSol Welcomes Its Newest Sponsors!

We would like to welcome Vicor Corporation and Roving Networks as our newest bronze sponsors, and we’d also like to thank them for their generous donation of DC-DC converters and WiFly modules respectively.