This is our first Saturday in Australia and the country is preparing for a three day weekend. Our caravan is enjoying a very colorful drive through green fields, blue skies, silvery rain, and mysterious pink lakes near Adelaide. The terrain has changed from rolling vineyards to grassy plane and we saw a brilliant double rainbow at the end of a morning rain.

Volunteers from Port Pirie are providing free coffee to all visitors along highway A1 in order to make the roads a little safer during the long weekend. We stopped for a quick visit and chat. The two ladies at the coffee stand were very nice and CalSol really appreciated the opportunity to take a break and rejuvinate with some coffee, tea, and cookies. This country is full of wonderful surprises and we are excited to continue our journey north.
Hi,just a query is there any way you could send me a copy of the photo on your CalSol site titled A Lively Country. Entry posted October 1st,2011by Chris Cartland. I am in the photo with my mum and would love to have a copy to frame. Good Luck In Your Racing