Every Saturday of every week about 15 or more team members find their way out to the Richmond Field Station working on the solar cars from dawn til dusk. Some members are welding, some sanding molds, some building our oven, some spraying, and some doing strategy calculations. But above all else, everyone is working tirelessly on making Zephyr become a reality. We are putting our heart, soul, and backs into this project and it will be an amazing sight to see drive once we finish it up.
But all that work is dreadfully tiring! You may say, “how do they work all that time without burning out?”. Well we found the solution: BBQ’ing!
The first thing we tried was simple frozen hamburgers; we had to start slow and easy to build up our grilling chops.
Round two was Chili-Lime Shish Kabobs! These turned out incredible too. Marinated the chicken for an hour while we chopped up the vegetables and onions, assembled our creations, and 2.5 minutes on the grill for each of the 4 sides of the kabobs. Cooked to perfection.
Round three was a return to hamburgers but from scratch this time! Minced onions, teriyaki sauce, ground beef, a touch of flour, and other seasonings all mushed up together made the perfect patty. Grilled until fully cooked but still incredibly juicy so all the flavor stayed in. Remember, don’t squash your patties on the grill! It squishes all the juice out of them and you lose the flavor.
The food keeps us together and keeps us moving forward on our mission to build the greatest solar car CalSol has yet produced!