Thank You Patz Materials and Technologies!


Patz Materials and Technologies manufactures cutting-edge composite materials for a wide range of applications, and has been a generous sponsor of CalSol throughout Zephyr’s build cycle. Their carbon fiber prepreg was an essential part of Zephyr’s success and forms the structure of our lightweight aerodynamic shell. Their high-performance materials were a great improvement over our previous composite processes in both performance and ease of use, and we can’t thank them enough for their help! We look forward to continuing our partnership through Tachyon’s build cycle and beyond.

In addition to material support, Patz Materials and Technologies also gives us valuable advice in material selection and layup practices, and has offered to validate our layup samples with their ASTM-standard testing equipment. Finally, Patz Materials and Technologies led us on a tour of their manufacturing facilities in January. They showed us their impressive core and prepreg-manufacturing facilities, and taught us a lot about the manufacture and processing of these cutting-edge materials.

Patz_01_Uni_Spools     Patz_04_Uni_Done

Spools of carbon fiber being made into unidirectional prepreg



Patz_06_Weave_Done   Patz_08_Joseph

Finished roll of woven carbon fiber prepreg and Joseph Talosig, our wonderful guide


The Patz Materials and Technologies logo is proudly blazoned on Zephyr and our website, and we look forward to representing them on Tachyon as well. We encourage you to visit their website at for more information on the amazing work that they do.