On Saturday, CalSol had the opportunity to bring Zephyr to Cal’s homecoming game vs Arizona. We had a lovely spot in the Blue and Gold zone where Cal fans of all ages got to learn about the car and the benefits of renewable energy. A huge thanks to Cal Athletics for inviting us!
On Sunday, we displayed Zephyr at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire. While we have attended several Maker Faires in the past, this time we were positioned right at the main entrance. Thank you to East Bay Mini Maker Faire for this great opportunity!
We started our day before the sun had risen with Kingpin donuts and groggy eyes at Hearst Mining Circle, before picking up our trailer and heading out to Oakland Tech High School. When we wheeled Zephyr in, we were amazed to find a chair that walked on eight legs, an amphibious bike, and tiny “robot pod” houses that turned on their sides to let you sleep. There were many, many people; everyone from retired professors to parents to elementary school students came to see what local Makers produced. Best of all, everyone was so curious and genuinely interested in what all the Makers had to present. The amount that people wanted to learn, especially the younger ones, was great to see.
In fact, the kids were one of the greatest parts of the Mini Maker Faire. Many of them got excited and loved to ask how fast we could go, or laughed when we honked the horn. Some of them already knew about solar energy and panels, or even some principles of aerodynamics. We’re excited to go back next year!
Written by Juliana Mora and Andrew Ge