Rain, Rain, Go Away

Lake at Day 4 Campsite in Annawan, Illinois
Lake at Day 4 Campsite in Annawan, Illinois

We seem to be playing cat and mouse with a large storm for the past few days. Lots of rain, lots of thunder, lots of soggy sleeping bags…

Every time that we leave camp we speed past the dark, ominous clouds and get into the warm, humid sunlight. But as soon as we reach the next campsite, the clouds catch back up and throw torrents of water back down on us during the night.

The soggy feeling is starting to creep through a lot of our gear so hopefully we can get to either dryers at our next campsite or we will have to wait until New York so that we can be stationary and dry clothes outside.

round red barn Annawan, Illinois
Ryan's round red barn built in 1910

On the bright side of things there is the accompanying light show to be in awe over. The lightning fills the sky from one end to the other and is quite the sight to see. Quickly following is the crackling of the thunder which is longer and more reverberating than I have ever felt in California.

On another note, this campsite also housed this beauty! This is Ryan’s round red barn. Who Ryan is we could not figure out, but it is one of the largest round barns in the country. It was built in 1910 and has been wonderfully kept up since then; we recommend this as a sight to see if you are ever in the back woods of Illinois.

Wish us luck in staying dry!