CalSol is proud to announce the unveiling of Impulse, our newest solar race vehicle. It will take place at Cal Day, UC Berkeley’s campus wide open house event.
We invite all CalSol supporters and anyone interested to see what we have been working so hard on.
We also would like to invite sponsors, alumni, and campus supporter to join us at 10 AM for a social. This will give all of those involved a chance to meet and speak with many of the people we have to thank for this accomplishment.
You can see Impulse on Cal Day, Saturday, April 16, 2011, from 9 AM to 4 PM. Impulse will be displayed on campus for all to see in the Engineering area.
What: Impulse Unveiling at Cal Day
When: April 16, 2011 9 AM – 4 PM; Social at 10 AM
Where: McLaughlin Hall Esplanade (between McLaughlin Hall, Sutardja Dai Hall, and Bechtel Hall); near College of Engineering tables at Cal Day